Invisible Fences, Make Good Neighbors
Typically Life Situation for That Girl Ryan… When I signed those mortgage papers on my first home this year, I was ecstatic! Goodbye annoying apartment renters, goodbye lazy landlords and HELLO...
View Article*UPDATE* Invisible Fences, Make Good Neighbors
Just when I thought all my kitty problems were gone…I got another knock on my door…with more cat shenanigans. Guess who? Yep!! That Crazy Fucking Cat Lady and her subordinate husband. Knock,...
View ArticleI Got 99 Problems and A Dick Ain’t One
This is a highly inappropriate blog post…I try really hard not to include too many raunchy and profane topics all in one sitting, but…. I really don’t care. There comes a time in every girls life when...
View ArticleThe Social Matrix
Readers-I entered myself into a blog contest, a creative writing blog contest. I know my usual style is profane, raunchy and personal humor writing, but i figured, Hey, let’s try something new!....
View ArticleA Letter To The Mayans
Dear Mayans, I am a bit upset with you…regarding your theories about 12/21/2012…you remember…the end of the Mayan Calendar? Yea, so about that….I just want you to know that I was fully prepared for...
View Article*Contest ALERT* Free Prizes!!
80′s Day At School…Or Was It? CALLING ALL AWKWARD PHOTOS Whose up for a good Ol contest?! Especially when I’m giving away A PRIZE! All I’m asking for is some “Awkward Family” photos!!! THE CONTEST For...
View ArticleI’m An Award Winning Blogger!
The Liebster award is for NEW bloggers. It’s a way to say, Hey, we know you just started your blog which is why nobody reads it-but hang in there, someone thinks its special. Well, thank you Marissa...
View ArticleThe Awkward Finalists are…
Thank you every one for your participation in the Awkward Photo Contest! Your entries were not only entertaining, but seeing your awkward photos made me feel better about myself, so thank you. Just to...
View ArticleAwkward Photo Winner!
I have a winner…it’s a week late on being announced, but better late than never. Congrats to “WE ALL BUNDLE” This picture won by a landslide! Stay tuned for some new posts coming this week…
View ArticleCloset Smoker
So far this summer has been productive for me…I went on a few vacations… got a new job…drank more alcohol than Don Draper… AND came out of the closet. Here I Come World Hello world, I am That Girl Ryan...
View ArticleToddlers Are Evil
Don’t Leave Me Just Yet Helloo? Is anybody out there still? My blog stats would say otherwise…I have been neglecting my blog…I sincerely apologize to those of you who have sent emails asking where I...
View ArticleBlogger Idol 2013-I need your help!
To my loyal That Girl Ryan readers, If you have never read one of my blog posts… then this is still probably not the one to read. BUT if you love my blog, I need your help! I am campaigning to be a...
View ArticleThe Real Housewives of the Gym
Women are such interesting animals…Yes, animals. You have to wonder how men have co-existed and kept up with these crazed mental patients for so long. I mean if you really think about it, can you...
View ArticleA Message to 20 Somethings From a 20 Something
Do you envision a successful future, similar to the one captured above? Do you consider yourself special compared to other people? Do you want to be someone amazing? Yes? Then you are probably a 20...
View ArticleWhat to expect when you’re expecting
Why is everyone pregnant all of a sudden? Everywhere I turn I see a sea of bulging bellies and waddling women. Is there a nation-wide pregnancy pact going on that I don’t know about? If I find out...
View ArticleThe Reflection
Growing up is about eating nasty shit. Does the number 25 mean anything to you, today? To me it means, I’m officially 25. Yep, its my fucking birthday. Happy birthday to me. Did you remember to write...
View ArticleA Little Of This…A Little Of That
It’s been almost a week since Halloween 2013 and I am still devoured by my utter disappointment. What happened to Halloween? It has turned into the red-headed step sister of Thanksgiving and Christmas...
View ArticleThe Turtlenecks Have Landed
I am trying something new folks, spice up the blogger write-life a little bit. Every so often, I am going to dive into some of the worst fashion “Trends” out there to date. I can’t count the number of...
View ArticleMeet My Publicist
Everyone, meet Danielle, my publicist. I’ve referenced her before in my posts and now you get the pleasure of meeting her. Danielle is my humor buddy, we discuss incredibly important topics like...
View ArticleWhat happens at the Cove, Stays at the Cove.
My husband works for a company that hosts incentive trips throughout the year and we have been fortunate enough to attend majority of them. This past summer was a free trip to Nieves, an island that...
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