It’s been almost a week since Halloween 2013 and I am still devoured by my utter disappointment.
What happened to Halloween? It has turned into the red-headed step sister of Thanksgiving and Christmas the Holidays (that was for my Jew friends).
The decorations were weak and so were the amount of tricker- treaters. My street looked like a creepy ghost town and I live in a neighborhood with tons of children.
Apparently, it’s cool now to go trick-or-treating before 6pm? How convenient.
Who had this brilliant idea? Stay at home parents? NOT THAT THERE IS ANYTHING WRONG WITH STAY AT HOME PARENTS!
At 3pm, all the working people are at work and therefore cannot give out candy. Plus kids with working parents get the shit end of the deal since they miss out on the early bird candy specials.
Nonetheless, my little monster trekked the neighborhood streets after 6pm like a bad-ass. She and the 4 teenagers, who were way too old to be trick-or-treating, walked that neighborhood like bosses. She did pretty well considering she missed the 3pm Halloween rush. Definitely scored enough candy for me and my husband to chow down on for at least a couple of weekends.
Whatever, Halloween sucks now, but this video clip is so well worth it. We may have missed submitting this video to Jimmy Kimmel, but it’s a winner in my book. One day, my kid will thank me for videotaping all the mean pranks I pull on her…
Some Other highlights of the night…

She was under the impression that her costume was “BatMan” and Joba the turtle, was her loyal side-kick. Kid’s got imagination.
Speaking of the kid, her latest pre-school rumor really did a number on my parenting reputation. When I picked her up from daycare this week, she decided to let all the teachers at school know that she is expecting a sibling. Yes, she told her entire pre-school that she was going to be a big sister.
Imagine the look on my face when a rush of teachers came to congratulate me on my non-existent pregnancy.
On the ride home, I had no idea as to how I was supposed to properly handle this situation…I decided to just be honest with her.
Me: “Why did you tell everyone your going to be a big sister?”
Addison: “well lily and Jackie are going to be big sisters, so I wanted to be one too.”
ME: “Being a big sister is kind of overrated.
Right now, between me, dad and you, we are a family of first borns, “the cream of the crop”, if you will. Bringing in a younger sibling would only lower our family status.. First-borns are truly the rulers of the world. Plus, having a younger sibling would mean sharing the T.V. and I know how much you love your T.V.”
Addison: “NO! not the TV, that’s my TV. Nevermind, I don’t want to be a big sister.”
Controversy Avoided, That Girl Ryan Parenting, a success.
While we are on the subject of parenting success, I wanted to share my most recent visit to NYC this weekend; courtesy of my mom, Mama O.
Mama O. brought me and my “less-supreme-younger-sibling” to the city for some shopping. We went on a “Fashionista Tour” sponsored by The Elegant Tightwad, if your interested: Details HERE
Basically, this fashion tour guides you through the not so typical shopping experience around the East Village. The stores we visited were eccentric and unique to say the least. Each shop varied in range of clothing options and prices, but the overall experience was priceless. In one of the stores, a custom hat boutique, I uncovered a new found love for hats.
(Not just like, I am totally into hats, but more like, I now have this weird obsession with hats.)
I wanted every single hat in that store but paying $300 for hat?
Pshhh, that’s why China-town was invented.
When I found a suitable hat in China-town, I also found the world’s best sales-man. This little Indian shop owner saw my interest in a particular hat and was pushing hard to sell it to me. Every second that I stayed silent, he came down on his price. It was a truly brilliant sales technique.
Eventually he threw in a second hat for the price of one and we had a deal.
One hat for me, one hat for Mama O.
I just fucking love hats.
Mama O. thought her hat was a great purchase as well. She insisted on wearing it like a Muslim Brotherhood Member.
After the tour, we did some shopping of our own and came across some interesting characters…As often as I go to New York City, I am still fascinated by the weirdo’s I come across.
Like this homeless man selling marijuana kitchen accessories…
OR these Mormons singing about eternal damnation…
And we can’t forget about the random vandalism that New Yorkers call, “ART”….
OR this…
And finally, the gay black man, dancing through the East village with his boombox…
I mean seriously, how can you not love this place?!!
So between my disgust with Halloween, my invisible pregnancy and my new hat; This week was pretty eventful.
Until next time my friends…
That Girl Ryan