I did the one thing I told myself I would never do, I married a southern boy. I also told myself I’d never get knocked up before marriage, but I did that too…by a southern boy who I said I would never marry. Go Figure.
I’m not sure why, but I just really have this disliking for southern folk. I was born in Virginia but moved up north at the age of 13. Maybe I was brainwashed but I fully embraced the northern way as my way of life. Even on my first day of school in the north, I knew I would love it here.
Me: “Hi I’m Ryan, the new girl. Can I sit with you at lunch?”
Northern Girl: “No, and don’t ever fucking ask me again. You’re too blonde and too nice, you won’t last a day in this part of town.”
It was love at first curse, I immediately knew northerners were my kind of people. I dropped that southern accent faster than you could say “CAWWFEE”.
When I met my husband in college and learned first hand how southerns really work, I despised them…and all of their traditional ways. Let’s break it down, southerners like to get married before the age of 28 and have at least 2.5 children before the age of 32. They buy houses with a lot of land and white picket fences and wear riding boots with scarves. Plus, they all dye their hair blonde which is offensive to us naturally blondes. Of course I was married with a child before the age of 28 but I don’t count that because I’m not a fan of riding boots with scarves, white picket fences or fake blonde hair.
So when my husband decided to move to New Jersey and live in my world, he found out rather quickly what he was getting himself into; a cesspool of non-traditional thinking…
Thoughts from a northern-southern marriage
1. Cooking is the job of __________.
Boy Ryan (S): Women should be cooking most nights of the week. The only exception is during the summer, then it is a man’s duty to cook on the grill
Girl Ryan (N): Fact: most female serial killers, kill their victims by poisoning the victim’s food…Men should cook just as much as women to ensure they are not being poisoned
2. Decision Maker
Boy Ryan (S): Men should be the ones to make majority of family decisions
Girl Ryan (N): Men never should make decisions. If they do, the idea came from the woman
3. Children
Boy Ryan (S): Your twenties are for birthing children
Girl Ryan (N): Your twenties are for drinking, sleeping and doing stupid things
4. Marriage arguments
Boy Ryan (S): Couples should have calm, quiet discussions behind closed doors
Girl Ryan (N): The more tears, the more screaming, the better
Boy Ryan (S): You should never curse in public
Girl Ryan (N): Fuck that shit
6. Working
Boy Ryan (S): Woman should be at home raising children while men go to work
Girl Ryan (N): Women should work so they don’t strangle their children
7. In-laws
Boy Ryan (S): I hate my in-laws
Girl Ryan (N): I hate my in-laws
8. Parenting
Boy Ryan (S): Parents should always be an example for children
Girl Ryan (N): Parents should sometimes be an example for children, but sometimes be just as annoying
9. Quotes to live by
Boy Ryan (S): Life is a journey so work hard and be respected
Girl Ryan (N): Life is short, so fuck it
10. Personal life
Boy Ryan (S): Personal life is private, never share the details of marriage or life with anyone
Girl Ryan (N): Umm…why do you think I started this blog…exploit it all!
Since the beginning of time, the North and South have been at odds. I find it only appropriate that I, a loud anti-southerner would marry a real, traditional southern boy. It’s like my destiny to learn to work with these annoying people. Even though my husband is traditional at heart, he has a wild streak that keeps him sane. I don’t know how we do it, but we make it work. Our differences in tradition make us That Boy Ryan and That Girl Ryan.
So to you traditional southerners, take your white picket fences and shove it, we all know who’s the better breed of humans.